Orchard Park Elementary

Fort Mill, SC

Welcome to our All Pro Dad Chapter!

Orchard Park Elementary School - All Pro Dads Chapter: is a monthly gathering (during the school year) for dads and their kids, to share a meal and have a meaningful conversations together before the school day starts. It is essential for children to have their dads, and other people of positive influence in their lives. It benefits their self-worth, performance in school, and their future. All Pro Dads is focused on facilitating this connection to foster strong and healthy relationships in the family and the community. The monthly gathering is intended to take place for 30 minutes, and it is open to all dads and their children who currently attend OPES. The topics, themes, and conversations are all character and virtue-based. If you have any questions or comments or would like to know when our next meeting is, please use the contact form on this page. Justin LaRoche is our Team Captain.

Justin Laroche


Orchard Park Elementary School - All Pro Dads Chapter: Starting up in September 2024!

Scheduled Meetings

Apr 4 - Curriculum: Empathy 7:00 AM
Cafeteria, 474 Third Baxter St, Fort Mill, SC, 29708
RSVP / Check In

Contact this Chapter

Questions about an upcoming meeting, location or anything else related to this chapter?
Use this form to get in touch with the Team Captain.

Where is Our Chapter?

474 Third Baxter St, Fort Mill, SC 29708, Fort Mill, SC, 29708
View on Google Maps

Quick Links

5509 W. Gray Street, Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 222-8300

Email Sign Up
