Cockrell Elementary

Prosper, TX

Welcome to our All Pro Dad Chapter!

Welcome to the Cockrell Elementary chapter of All Pro Dads! All Pro Dads is a nationwide organization dedicated to strengthening our relationships with our kids and we would love for you to join us. All Pro Dads is an organization run BY Dads FOR Dads and is focused on helping Fathers (or whomever fills the role of "Dad" for your kids, whether that is an uncle, stepfather, older brother, grandfather, neighbor, family friend, etc) be more involved at school through monthly breakfast and volunteer opportunities at school. Our team captain is Jason Alder. If you have any questions or comments, would like to learn more, or would like to know when the next meeting will be, please use the contact form on this page to connect with our team captain. All meetings are at the Cockrell Elementary cafeteria unless specified otherwise.

Jason Alder


The Cockrell All Pro Dad program will be providing an All Pro Dad on campus at Cockrell Elementary throughout the year, similar to what was done through the WatchDOGS program previously.

All Pro Dads - great news! Deidra Reynolds, Assistant Principal for Cockrell Elementary provided a SignUp Genius link so All Pro Dads can participate in recess as volunteers for our kids. Please utilize the below SignUp Genius links to register for your child's particular grade.

For morning carline, no sign-up is required - simply arrive before 7:15 am to get your badge from Ms. Elvia at the front office. Carline shifts starts at 7:15am and ends at 7:45am. Both Front Carline and Back Carline slots are available. ** All participants must have a background check completed before they are able to volunteer.** We appreciate your efforts!

Background Check Link (Volunteer):

Kinder - recess:

1st Grade - recess:

2nd Grade - recess:

3rd Grade - small groups:

4th Grade - link coming soon

5th Grade - recess:

Scheduled Meetings

Dec 20 - Curriculum: Sensitivity 7:00 AM
Cockrell Elementary Gym
RSVP / Check In
Jan 24 - Curriculum: Purpose 7:00 AM
Cockrell Elementary Gym
RSVP / Check In
Feb 28 - Curriculum: Self Discipline 7:00 AM
Cockrell Elementary Gym
RSVP / Check In
Mar 28 - Curriculum: Humility 7:00 AM
Cockrell Elementary Gym
RSVP / Check In
Apr 25 - Curriculum: Self Discipline 7:00 AM
Cockrell Elementary Gym
RSVP / Check In

Contact this Chapter

Questions about an upcoming meeting, location or anything else related to this chapter?
Use this form to get in touch with the Team Captain.

Where is Our Chapter?

1075 Escalante Trail, Prosper, TX, 75078
View on Google Maps

Quick Links

5509 W. Gray Street, Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 222-8300

Email Sign Up
