Boca Raton Christian School

Boca Raton, FL

Welcome to our All Pro Dad Chapter!

We are a group of dads dedicated to strengthening our relationships with our kids, and we would love for you to join us. During the School Year, once a month, for 45 minutes, we get to share breakfast and have some great conversations around a character-based curriculum with fun-based activities. RSVP for the next coming event, and enjoy an All Pro Dad gathering! If you have any questions or comments and would like to learn more, please use the contact form on this page to connect with our team captain. Looking forward to seeing you and your kid(s) there!

Josh Carlson


Doors open up at 6:45 am so you can enjoy some breakfast with your kiddo's before we get started at 7 am.

Scheduled Meetings

Mar 18 - Curriculum: Diligence 7:00 AM
BRCS - Dining Room (East Side of Campus), 470 NW 4th Ave, Boca Raton, FL, 33432
RSVP / Check In
Mar 29 - Other: All Pro Dad Experience 9:00 AM
Camping World Stadium, 1 Citrus Bowl Place, Orlando, FL, 32805
RSVP / Check In
Apr 29 - Curriculum: Empathy 7:00 AM
BRCS - Dining Room (East Side of Campus), 470 NW 4th Ave, Boca Raton, FL, 33432
RSVP / Check In
May 20 - Curriculum: Trustworthiness 7:00 AM
BRCS - Dining Room (East Side of Campus), 470 NW 4th Ave, Boca Raton, FL, 33432
RSVP / Check In

Contact this Chapter

Questions about an upcoming meeting, location or anything else related to this chapter?
Use this form to get in touch with the Team Captain.

Where is Our Chapter?

470 NW 4th Ave, Boca Raton, FL, 33432
View on Google Maps

Quick Links

5509 W. Gray Street, Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33609
(813) 222-8300

Email Sign Up
